FLOW, Exeter
FLOW is a project by artist Anne-Marie Culhane involving multiple agencies concerned with the wildlife, river management and social use of the river Exe in Exeter a component of which is the planting of 2 new orchards to be managed by the community.
Joanna Toole Memorial Bench Design
for Adrian Toole and the Joanna Toole Foundation I designed a Corten steel panel of for the memorial bench for Joanna Toole. Joanna used to run regularly along the banks of the Exe estuary on the Exe trail where this bench is situated, the first on the...
Walking Forest Logo/Brand ID
for Walking Forest. A logo and branding for Walking Forest, a project about forest ecosystems, female activism and the climate emergency. The logo is based on images of interconnected fungi or mycellium found primarily in the forest and needs to express...
Fruit Routes Book 5 Years
for Loughborough University. A A5 perfect-bound book celebrating 5 years of all season activities of the Fruit Routes project. Fruit Routes, also known as Eat Your Campus, is led by artist Anne-Marie Culhane and focuses on the planting of a Fruit Routes...
Phear Park Tree Trail
The Trees of Phear Park, Exmouth This is a trail leaflet that opens out to a map with a trail and a tree identification guide. I worked with Simon Pardoe and others from the Exmouth Tree Project to draw attention to the wide range of spectacular trees in...
Fruit Routes Summer Events
Social engagement, community, environmental
The Fish Hawker Women of Brixham
for Brixham Heritage Museum and Encounters Arts. Large museum panel and museum information/educationleaflet (A4 4 pager) on the subject of women in the Brixham fishing industry. Archive
Wild Exmouth Green Spaces Map
for Wild Exmouth: East Devon District Council.A map linking a variety of ‘green’ spaces in Exmouth, Devon highlighting the linked routes that follow the 3 brooks in the town. Exmouth has abundant different habitats or environment in and round the town...
Ageing Well
for Encounters Arts and Torbay CouncilI was asked to create an engaging printed toolkit for facilitating discussions about ageing. This became a pack with a questionnaire which became a 3D house once completed, a notebook, a pencil and a teabag in brown...
Wider Than A River Visitor Lealfet
for Tidelines and Exeter University8 locals from around the estuary tell visitors about how they enjoy the estuary and where visitors might like to go. It is a response to the call for responsible and sustainable tourism. Visitors may get a more intimate...
Torbay Care Charter
for Torbay Council, Torbay Culture and Encounters Arts. Design and concept for presentation of results of consultation in care homes in the Torbay area undertaken by Encounters Arts. A set of 10 cards which carry spoken quotes in the speech bubble of birds...